Daylighting Solutions
Finding ways to bring natural daylight into your building can add some big benefits to a commercial space. Daylighting solutions currently on the market go far beyond traditional skylights in ceilings. Today’s daylighting solutions are often compact and leak-proof, minimize glare, and bring in substantially more natural light in comparison to their early model counterparts. These daylighting systems can be modular and installed in hard-to-reach spaces where windows, skylights, and more can’t reach.

Daylighting solutions have four primary objectives for the spaces they are installed in.
Preventing glare and preserving outdoor views are aesthetic goals for daylighting while reducing electric light use and mitigating solar heat gain are sustainable goals that daylighting solutions can also help achieve.
Benefits of Daylighting Solutions:

Discover our Versatile Daylighting Solutions: Kalwall, Structures Unlimited, and Solatube
Daylighting solutions come with nearly endless customization options and can be created to fit almost any space, making these versatile products armed and ready to meet a wide variety of needs. There are numerous ways to incorporate daylighting solutions into your space through side lighting, canopies, skyroofs, skylights, and more.
We offer three product lines for daylighting options: Kalwall, Structures Unlimited, and Solatube. Each of these product lines have different commercial uses, but they all work to create a beautiful space full of natural daylight for you and your building. All Salt manufacturer products sold by Alder Sales Corporation meet regulatory requirements, including national fire life safety codes and ADA requirements.